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    Algae-Gold_AQUA PEPTIDE


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    Product Description

    The specific microalgae isolated from our microalgal culture collection contains functional peptides to be beneficial to the growth of fish. After culturing, being broken and enzymatic hydrolyzed, the microalgae are rich in nutrients, such as functional peptides, amino acids, polysaccharides, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and green algae growth factor C.G.F (Chlorella Growth Factor). It can improve the production efficiency of aquaculture.

    Product Benefits

    1. Adjusting the effective protein contents in feed to improve the feed efficiency and reduce the cost of feed production.
    2. Improving feed conversion rate.
    3. Stimulating the intestinal immune system to enhance disease resistance.


    Farmed fish

    Packaging Options and Usage

    Available in 1 kg, 5 kg, and 25 kg per bag.
    Add 1 kg product per ton of feed.

    Inspection Results

    1. Analytical Result for Pesticide Residues: Not detected.
    2. Analytical Result for Antibiotic and its Metabolite: Not detected.
    3. Analytical Result for 21 Beta-Agonists: Not detected.
    4. Analytical Result for Heavy Metals, including Arsenic(As), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), and Cadmium (Cd): Not detected.  


    Product Testing